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Fillet Of Beef

RINDFILET / FILET OF BEEF                      

60   Rindfilet Kokosmilch Thai Massaman-Curry,
       Kartoffeln, Erdnüssen und Zwiebeln                             24,50

       Beef Filet coconut milk Thai massaman curry,
       potatoes, peanuts and onions

61   Rindfilet Kokosmilch rotes Thai Curry mit Bambus
       und Thai Basilikum                                                    24,50

       Beef Filet coconut milk red Thai curry with bamboo
       and Thai basil greens

62   Rindfilet Kokosmilch grünes Thai Curry, Bambus,
       Erbsen und Paprika                                                    24,50

       Beef Filet coconut milk green curry with bamboo,
       peas and paprika

63   Rindfilet mit Ingwer, Paprika,
       Morcheln und Rotwein                                                24,50

       Beef Filet with ginger, paprika,
       morel and red wine

                            z. B. - Samples

                      60, 62, 63